Monday, May 16, 2011

Midterm Diptych with Artist Statement

My big idea is experience, and I express it through my personal story of leaving China to Unites States to start my new life alone.
I came up with this big idea by noticing that people are always experiencing through their whole lives and last year, my life had a big change which is I left home for the first time then come to a totally different country to experience college life and I learned and felt a lot.
Finally, I designed my first part of midterm diptych by showing Chinese culture and my emotions of home. I use pictures of Chinese traditional fan and architecture to show Chinese culture. Then, I use pictures of family, young couple hugging at the platform, eyes with tears to show that I miss everything in China so much. The second part is about US. I use a guy coming out from the mouth eagerly to indicate that how passionate I am to explore everything in a new country. And the pictures of the statue of Liberty, skyscrapers in the back and a girl facing the sea alone with her arms open implying that my stronge feelings of freedom, loneliness and amazement of a such a highly developed country.


  1. With this images i feel as if you really convey your message clearly. Your emotional hardship is expressed through the variety of images. With that being said i feel as if there might be a little too much going on within the first image i find it hard to look at the image as whole.

  2. You did a good job in blending everything together. I really like the skyline in the background of the second picture and the work you did with the opacity in the first one.

  3. Great job, I agree with Troy for the most part; there seems to be an unbalance between how much is going on in the two images. I like your choice of images incorporated in the project and I think that the crying eyes and the "I miss you" is a really strong part of the top piece. Your use of the U.S. symbols were crucial in the bottom piece, because other than that, I think it would be somewhat unclear. Overall, great work and great use of blending, selections, and color techniques.

  4. I think the first image is very well done although I have to agree with Troy a little bit in that there is a lot going on. The 2nd image improves on this with less imagery. I just wish you could have integrated the guy coming out of the mouth and the statue of liberty more into the bigger image. So it is all one image instead of 2 images on top of a big image. Great job overall though.
