Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blog 5

1. The most significant accomplishment is finding the best way to express my big idea. In my midterm diptych, I set my big idea as "Experience" and it focused on my personal experience of leaving China to US alone to attend college. To show my complicated feelings of this experience, I used many images that contains emotions. For example, I used an image of eyes with tears to show my sadness of leaving family and friends and meanwhile facing some new problems of being independence.

2. I was quite confused about the layer adjustment at first because I thought it was complicated to use brush tool and selection tool to eliminate some parts of the image out of the adjustment. However, after times and times practice such as quiz 4 and final project, I am very familiar with layer adjustment right now and I find it easy and convenient to make some parts of the image remain the same while other parts changes with the layer adjustment.

3. Through midterm diptych and final project, I think I have a lot progress in making my artworks meaningful instead of just showing photoshop technique. In midterm diptych, I just made two artworks that contain using basic photoshop techniques and simply showing to viewers what is my big idea and what I was trying to convey. However, in the final project, I not only shows that I could use multiple photoshop techniques and clearly express my big idea. What is more important is that I learned how to make meaning in my work, showing that I desided to deliever my big idea through designing two magazine covers so that the viewers could really receive something from it such as they might be attracted by the beautiful places in China and US and become willing to experience by themselves.

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