Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog 3

The first artist that relates me with my big idea is Pierre Botardo.

The artist appeals to me first because of the titles of the image. The first one is "Doomed to walk alone" and the second one is "No place called home". As soon as I saw the titles, I think of my own big idea--Start new life alone. The big ideas of his images are being afraid of loneliness and the depression of travel around without a place to settle down. And I am inspired that the Pierre used various selection tools to combine different images together and to deliever his big ideas to the audience through the combination. For instance, in the first image, he used selection tools to make a shape of a person and combine it into the image of a road without people, indicating that he wants to express the idea of a person walking alone. I could also do the same thing in my final project, using various selection tools to bend different images together and meanwhile show the relation of these images.

The second artist who inspired me is Giuseppe Mastromatteo, who is a famous art director in advertising.

The reason why I was attracted by him is because I noticed that he used clone stamp tool in photoshop to creat these two images. These two images are all advertising images and it seems that the artist is trying to express that people have many different sides that others do not know others are treated by the appearance.  The most inpiring part in his images is he natually adjust the first girls eye to her arm and make a very natual face mask on the second girl's face.I know he has used the clone tool in photoshop, however, I am quite confused how he make everything seems so natual--especially the second image of the face mask! All in all, his art works reminds me to try my best to make my final project seems as much natual as possible so that the whole image will make the audience attracted and surpriced.


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