Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Artist Statement Rough Draft

  My big idea is exploration of living in a new place alone and my theme is my own experience of leaving China and coming to US to start my new life.
  I express my big idea through showing different emotions, culture experience and some parts of life. For instance, I think of loneliness and freedom when I try to express my emotions of living in US. And I think of the culture gaps between China and US when I try to show the culture experience.
  I use photos of single person with depression look to convey the loneliness, thanksgiving pictures and OSU jump mirror lake picture to express the new experience in US. And I use photos of my family and pictures of couples to express I miss my family and boyfriend in China.
  The reason why I choose this big idea is that this is my real experience and I have many strong feelings about coming to a exactly new place and start my own life here. And I really want to share everything I feel and learn here.

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