Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final Project Artist Statement

My big idea for final project is also the same as midterm project--Experience while I expressed it through a different subject-travel through China and Unites States. In my final project, I used my own photos which I took when I was traveling, and I apply the idea of quiz 1--making magazine covers, as the form of final project.
The first artwork is about China and I used the photos of my trip to Tibet last summer because I want to use the beautiful natural views in China as the attraction to viewers. The second the artwork is about my travel experience in US and the main photos I used is from my trip to New York this year since I wanted to set the modern and highly developed city views as the attraction to viewers. Besides, I used various selection tools, clone stamps, layer masks, image adjustment, layer styles, adjustment of layer forms and opacity and some other photoshop techniques in both artworks.
Through designing magazine covers, I think it fits my big idea a lot and meanwhile I can really let viewers notice that both China and Unites States are worthy for them to travel and experience the different styles of culture.


  1. I like your idea of continuing the magazine cover quiz. You did a great job with using a wide variety of photoshop techniques. I also really like how you used your own images from traveling. Your main idea is very evident and it is obvious that you expanded your big idea from the midterm. Overall, great work.

  2. The two images are clearly meant to be used as a magazine more than likely one dealing with travel. It is very evident the you used your own photographs and incorporated a wide variety of ps techniques in your final. I like how you used text to make the magazines appear to be a monthly magazine and this is the May and June issue. The may issue seems to concentrate on China while the June issue concentrates on the US.

  3. I like the way you made them both in to covers of a magazine. I think that shows your two interest. You used a lot of your own pictures which I really like and how you placed them makes them look even better. Good Job!

  4. I like the magazine concept. You have a great selection and arrangement of images for the China magazine. The American magazine confuses me a little with the images of yourself. You're standing in the rain and flying toward the statue of liberty? Maybe there's something I don't understand that you could explain a little more. Great job.
