Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blog #4

My big idea for final project is experience and the subject that I chosed to express this big idea is travel. And I will show the places that I have been to in China and United States through combining my own photos into two magazine covers. I am going to use selection tools, layer adjustment and mainly layer masks to change colors and brightness of the photos. The outcome images will be used as two months' travel magazines' covers and inform people that both US and China have many amazing places of interest so that it is worthy for people to visit and experience.

What inspire me are listed in the following:
"TRAVEL" magazine:

Marco Polo, a Chiristion Merchant from the Venetian Public explored China from europe and wrote his journal--The Travels of Marco Polo in 13th century.

Street Artwork in LA by normal people.

And I am going to apply a newly introduces technique in my final project--Stoke text with a bush and here's the hyperlinik of introduction:

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