Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brainstorming Inclass Blog

human rights
culture gaps
exploration through travel
distance relationship

culture gaps:
I came to United States for college. However, this is the first time that I leave home and experienced a a world that is totally different from I came from. There are many culture gaps that I noticed, including many aspects such as relationship, individualism, attitudes towards life.

distance relationship:
Since I am far away from home and far away from the lifestyle that I used to live in, I am far away from my  family, friends, boyfriend, which means I have to deal with the long distance relationship with my family,friends, and boyfriend.

One of my biggest reason that I came to US for college is I want to obtain great success in my life. The great success I thought before I came here means great job, high salary, high reputation in society. However, after I came here,my thought has changed. I find out that success does not means only wealth and reputation. Maybe happiness and freedom are more important than material.

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